While reading the “Grading Rubric and Check List,” I found myself learning more and more about the writing process. These four points are the points where I found the most learning opportunity.
Under the Position and Intro section, it says to watch out for a scattered intro that crams in too much. I think that I need to work on minimalizing my introductions and focusing on only the main ideas. It is really hard for me to condense though because I want to make sure my point is across, even though there are way better ways to do that then to ramble.
The writer as a driver section, in my opinion, provides the most opportunity for writers. This section basically just sums up that writers need to write essays that have personality. You have to make sure that you are writing an essay that you are proud of and it reflects you as a person, don’t try to be someone you aren’t. You are the writer, and you can drive your essay wherever you want it to go. This gives a writer the most opportunity because the world is your oyster, and write whatever you want to write.
The organization section is also very important. While writing, being organized is key. If you don’t have all your paragraphs structured in a way that makes sense, the reader is going to lose interest, and therefore, stop reading. The paragraphs need to be connected in some sort of way that relates to the argument as a whole and it needs to flow. While writing my essay, I went through it about 2 or 3 times making sure all of the sentences were relevant to the argument, and if they were in the correct paragraphs. This is a very important topic in contstructing an essay.
The conversation section also provides a learning opportunity. Having conversations in your essay, especially with essay #1, is very important. It shows that you, as a writer, have a strong passion for what you are writing about. In this essay we just wrote, having conversations with the three authors was a vital step in the process of writing the essay; it makes the essay. I read a few of the essays where the writer didn’t converse with the authors and it was very confusing and appeared somewhat uneducated. Writers who converse with the quotes appear stronger and smarter.