Do you see any patterns? I noticed that in my first English prompt, I included an excessive amount of pointer words and repetition. The pointer words I used a lot were they, this, and that. I have always used a lot of pointer words in my writing because I automatically assume that my reader will connect the dots. I noticed that in the paragraph where something is a topic, I will say that word many, many times. For example, if the topic in a paragraph is metaphors, I will use the word “metaphor” an excessive amount of times.
Do you rely on certain devices more than others? While reading back on my essay, I noticed that I tend to stick to transition words and key terms that I am used to using, I guess I don’t really like to go out of my comfort zone in terms of writing. I use the pointing terms “this, that, they” a lot, which I think can be easily fixed. I also realize that I use “I believe” or “I think” a lot, which makes my argument less strong.
Are there any passages that are hard to follow-if so, can you make them easier to read by trying any of the other devices discussed in this chapter? I think that I can use a revised version of repetition to help my writing be easier to read. The repetition that I use is literally repeating the same words and points that I have already said but just described differently. The type of repetition that they describe in this chapter is finding a synonym to the word you want to repeat. This creates versatility in your paragraphs and allows for a better flow.
Self-knowledge is power. Well done!